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In this article, i decided to write in English. I will explain the the main ingredients in Turkish, but for the all article you can comment.
Successful people has some specific characteristics. I will try to explain them. if you research successful people carefully, you will see lots of them. an the same time some of these characteristic, you will notice that you have.
1. They know "what they want really" / Gerçekte ne istediklerini bilirler
Aim is the most important thing in our life. There is a quote from Montaigne about this "No wind favors s/he who has no destined port ". Succes begins with a real aim. if you dont know where are you going, it is not important where you go.
2. They makes plan / Plan yaparlar
Successful people makes plans after their aims. You have to determine a way to go. Because it is important too how you can go.
3. They are so decided / Çok kararlıdırlar
Decision is another important thing on the way of success. You can't give up, after started in this aim. Most of people miss the succes because of the instability. In a cold period, there was a intercontinental swimming race in İstanbul. Most of racers couldn't passed other side of the sea. Because it was so long and it was so cold. But one of them succeed. He wasn't looking at he land. He was only swimming until reached land. He was so decided.
4. They works so hard / Çok çalışırlar
It is so clear to understand, there is no any success without hard working.
5. They make good observation / Çok iyi gözlem yaparlar
Successful people are very good observers. They makes observation and take notes. Observation is about emotional side of brain. It supports this creativity
6. They have brillant intelligence / Parlak bir zekaya sahiptirler
Most of intelligence is innate. But, you can support and you can develop intelligence. The same thing is valid for opposit. Namely you can rust it. We have to keep alive our intelligence. we have to make affort to develop us and our brain to success
7. They take risk / Risk alırlar
Sometimes we have to take some logical risk. If we don't take risk when necessary, we can miss success train. There is a good quote about this "No pain, No gain" :). A little risk is necessary but more is harmful
8. Their decides are logical / Aldıkları kararlar mantıklıdır
Mostly we have time for deciding. You can think for your all deciding. We have more time to decide but because of human trait, we try to decide immediately. But the deciding time is so long, the result and your comfor is so good.
9. They takes lessons from mistakes / Hatalarından ders alırlar
We Türks have a good saying about this " noobody is perfect, there is no nay servant without mistake / hatasız kul olmaz". The successful people makes mistakes too. Maybe much more than us. In here i remembered quote from Edison, " I Have Gotten a Lot of Results! I Know Several Thousand Things That Won’t Work". We have takes lessons from mistakes. We must try not to repeat.
10. They are so disciplined / Çok disiplinlidirler
Dscipline is to strict adherence to plan or program. If you make a road map to success you have to apply it step by step.
11. Their imagination is so developed / Hayal güçleri çok gelişmiştir.
I want to take here some quotes about imagination and its importance.
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
“Everything you can imagine is real.”
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
"The man who has no imagination has no wings."
"The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless."
"Some stories are true that never happened."
And finally i want to talk about the people that i believe they are successful.
1. Hz Muhammed
2. Einstein
3. Fatih Sultan Mehmet
4. Edison
5. Michael Faraday
6. Barack Obama
7. Michelangelo
8. Leonardo da vinci
9. Mozart
10. Charlie Chaplin
11. Muhammed Ali
12. Mahatma Ghandi
13. Mimar Sinan
14. Stephen Hawking
15. Steve Jobs
16. Bill Gates
16. Steven Spielberg
17. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Note: it is not a sorting according to success. if you want to add any successful people you can comment. I tried to a short list in here. :)
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