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22 Şubat 2016 Pazartesi

Only Curiosity

               We can say about curiosity that " it is desire to learn, discover new thingss in creation of our." Among other creatures, there is important thing about human curiosity. We, as humans, we all wonder, this curiosity starts from birth, as a baby we wonder moving around us, shining things or anything remarkable. Already behind our learning about this or not?  As we grow,  the things that we wonder make sense more... where we came from ? Where are we going? What is our goal to be? What is the limit of the universe ? is there any assets at universe without us? and the questions goes on... Of course, there is an answer to every question, or answer to this question has not yet been discovered, or we're not looking in the right place.

              On the basis of all scientific discoveries it is also curious. or why Neil Armstrong goes to the Moon, if he don't wonder?is not true that Largest inspire of Einstein who puts forward lots of theory,  was his curiosity. Curiosity really nice things, then continue to wonder because of that. You all wonder everything, so dont lose your excitement about life....

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